Transparent quantitative market research

Transpera is your reliable partner for quantitative market research. In data collection, our main focus is on national and international telephone surveys (CATI). With our cloud-based phone studio CATI on Demand, we conduct your surveys using the latest technology. Online surveys and IVR surveys are also included in our service portfolio.

We collect your data

Efficient, transparent and with a passion for market research

by IVR

In an IVR survey or after-call interview, interviews are conducted automatically using a speech dialogue system. The questions are discussed and recorded in advance. The questions are answered by keystrokes or voice recognition.

by phone (CATI)

With our cloud-based telephone studio CATI on Demand, we conduct national and international telephone surveys (CATI). Around 175 freelance interviewers work around the clock on your telephone surveys.

Online (CAWI)

Specific survey designs, regarding specific target groups, can be implemented more economically and quickly using an online survey. We will programme your questionnaire, manage the entire project and coordinate the invitation of participants with our online panel partners.

Our strengths

  • Transparent

    Mit einem Zugang zu unserem Befragungssystem öffnen wir für Sie unsere Türen. Sie haben Zugriff auf die aktuellen Quoten Ihrer Befragung und können unseren Interviewern live beim Durchführen der Interviews zuschauen.

  • Kompetent

    Ihre Projekte liegen bei uns in guten Händen. Über 20 Jahre persönliche Erfahrung in der Markt- und Meinungsforschung.

  • International

    Rund 175 freie Mitarbeiter arbeiten regelmäßig in verschiedenen Sprachen an unseren Telefonbefragungen. Wir setzen ausschließlich Muttersprachler ein. Unsere Interviewer sind freie Mitarbeiter und werden auf Stundenbasis abgerechnet.

Get in touch with us

We look forward to your enquiry!